Biology Quiz – Section 2

Welcome to you Biology Quiz - Section 2

1. Plants absorb most part of water needed by them through their

2. Photo-oxidation is

3. Process of cell division can take place by

4. Most highly intelligent mammals are

5. Plant development is influenced by

6. Prokaryotic cells lack

7. Photosynthesis takes place faster in

8. Nucleus, the genetic material containing rounded body in each cell, was first discovered in 1831 by

9. Primary phloem develops from

10. Other than spreading malaria, anopheles mosquitoes are also vectors of

Biology Quiz – Section 1

Welcome to you Biology Quiz - Section 1

1. Ordinary table salt is sodium chloride. What is baking soda?

2. Ozone hole refers to

3. Pine, fir, spruce, cedar, larch and cypress are the famous timber-yielding plants of which several also occur widely in the hilly regions of India. All these belong to

4. Pollination is best defined as

5. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from

6. Movement of cell against concentration gradient is called

7. Photosynthesis generally takes place in which parts of the plant?

8. Plants synthesis protein from

9. Plants absorb dissolved nitrates from soil and convert them into

10. One of the following is not a function of bones.

Chemistry Quiz – Section 3

Welcome to you Chemistry Quiz - Section 3

1. The ore which is found in abundance in India is

2. The inherited traits of an organism are controlled by

3. The heat energy produced when the human body metabolises 1 gram of fat is

4. What are the number of moles of CO2 which contains 16 g of oxygen?

5. The main use of salt in the diet is to

6. The monomer of polythene is

7. The luster of a metal is due to

8. The number of water molecules present in a drop of water (volume 0.0018 ml) at room temperature is

9. The most malleable metal is

10. The oil used in the froth floatation process is

Chemistry Quiz – Section 2

Welcome to you Chemistry Quiz - Section 2

1. The gas present in the stratosphere which filters out some of the sun's ultraviolet light and provides an effective shield against radiation damage to living things is

2. The most commonly used bleaching agent is

3. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom consists of

4. The heat required to raise the temperature of body by 1 K is called

5. The nuclear particles which are assumed to hold the nucleons together are

6. The mass of P4O10 that will be obtained from the reaction of 1.33 gram of P4 and 5.07 of oxygen is

7. The octane number of zero is assigned to

8. The metal that is used as a catalyst in the hydrogenation of oils is

9. The most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere is

10. The Latin word formica means ant. The name formic acid is derived from this Latin word because

Chemistry Quiz – Section 1

Welcome to you Chemistry Quiz - Section 1

1. The nucleus of an atom consists of

2. The number of moles of solute present in 1 kg of a solvent is called its

3. The most electronegative element among the following is

4. The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is

5. The number of d-electrons in Fe2+ (Z = 26) is not equal to that of

6. The metallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called

7. The molecules of which gas have highest speed?

8. The oldest rocks in the earth's crust were once molten, and came from deep inside the earth. The molten rock, called magma, spewed out in volcanic eruptions during the earth;s early life and solidified into hard rock's called

9. The law which states that the amount of gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure is

10. The main buffer system of the human blood is

Physics – Section 3

Welcome to you Physics - Section 3

1. Magnetism at the centre of a bar magnet is

2. It is more difficult to walk on a sandy road than on a concrete road because

3. Find the maximum velocity for the overturn of a car moving on a circular track of radius 100 m. The co-efficient of friction between the road and tyre is 0.2

4. Of the following properties of a wave, the one that is independent of the other is its

5. Lux is the SI unit of

6. On a rainy day, small oil films on water show brilliant colours. This is due to

7. Point A is at a lower electrical potential than point B. An electron between them on the line joining them will

8. Materials for rain-proof coats and tents owe their water-proof properties to

9. RADAR is used for

10. Sound of frequency below 20 Hz is called

Physics Quiz – Section 2

Welcome to you Physics Quiz - Section 2

1. Pa(Pascal) is the unit for

2. Planets do not twinkle because

3. Metals are good conductors of electricity because

4. Let a thin capillary tube be replaced with another tube of insufficient length then, we find water

5. The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was

6. If two bodies of different masses, initially at rest, are acted upon by the same force for the same time, then the both bodies acquire the same

7. Pick out the scalar quantity

8. Rectifiers are used to convert

9. out of the following, which is not emitted by radioactive substance?

10. Sound waves in air are

Physics Quiz – Section 1

Welcome to you Physics Quiz - Section 1

1. Radiocarbon is produced in the atmosphere as a result of

2. It is easier to roll a stone up a sloping road than to lift it vertical upwards because

3. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves

4. Siphon will fail to work if

5. The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was

6. Nuclear sizes are expressed in a unit named

7. Light year is a unit of

8. Mirage is due to

9. Light from the Sun reaches us in nearly

10. Stars appears to move from east to west because

Indian History Quiz – Section 3

Welcome to you Indian History Quiz - Section 3

1. Vikramaditya, a king of Ujjain, started the Vikrama samvat in 58 BC in commemoration of his victory over

2. Two of the great Mughals wrote their own memories. There were

3. To which king belongs the Lion capital at Sarnath?

4. The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during the

5. The language of discourses of Gautama Buddha was

6. There were widespread risings against the British in the 1820s. Which one of the following did not revolt in the 1820s?

7. Velu Thampi led a revolt against the British in state of

8. Under the Mountbatten Plan of 1947 the people of ___ were given the right to decide through a plebiscite whether they wished to join Pakistan or India.

9. The term 'Yavanapriya' mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts denoted

10. The ultimate ownership of land during the post-Gupta period lay with

Indian History Quiz – Section 2

Welcome to you Indian History Quiz - Section 2

1. Under an agreement with which of the following countries did Subhas Chandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, taken as prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the Azad Hind Fauj?

2. We hear of two envoys being sent to the Roman kings, one in 27-28 AD to the court of Augustus and the other in 110-20 AD to the court of

3. The use of Kharoshti in ancient Indian architecture is the result of India's contact with

4. The troops raised by the emperor but not paid directly the state and place under the charge of mansabadars were know as

5. To conquer and annex Peshawar and Punjab, Mahmud of Ghazni defeated

6. To which professions earlier leaders who struggled for freedom of India mainly belonged?

7. The victories of Karikala are well portrayed in

8. Todar Mal was associated with

9. The title of 'Viceroy' was added to the office of the Governor-General of India for the first time in

10. To which of the following dynasties did King Bhoja, a great patron of literature and art, belong?